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Sesshin – Zen Retreat at Laguna Verde, Cachipay, Cundinamarca

SESSHIN – Zen meditation Retreat
Laguna Verde - Cachipay, Cundinamarca
June 26 – July 1

Directed by

Jorge  無Mu 問Mon Méndez

Retreat – June 26 – July 1

Includes a period of preparation, meditation practices (zazen), samu (practice of observation during activity), talks and hiking through the fog forest.

Deadline for registration:
June 24

Arrivals: June 26, 27 or 28

We propose to view the retreat as a time of “unplugging” and we encourage you to avoid the use of cellphones and other electronic devices during your stay.


During the first days, the retreat is centered on the preparation and adequation for the sesshin (traditional zen retreat). We practice zazen (sited meditation) with less intensity than during the sesshin days. The first days are a good opportunity to practice and live and learn the preparation for a sesshin. It allows to be in better conditions at the start of the sesshin and this preparation helps to have a deeper and more meaningful practice during the sesshin. There are talks and conversations for those who are starting or are completely new to meditation practice, some periods of informal sharing and hiking through the fog forest to reconnect with yourself. The last days of the retreat are dedicated to the more formal traditional zen retreat (sesshin).

Schedule during sesshin: Wake up 3:00 a.m. – Lights out 8:00 p.m.

Place and weather:
Vereda Laguna Verde, Cachipay, Cundinamarca.
The weather goes from warm to cold, with frequent rain. Bring warm clothes and shoes for rain.

What to bring?
During the retreat you’ll find here zafus (meditation cushions), sheets and blankets. It is recommended to bring personal hygiene implements, towel, umbrella, hat, flashlight and insect repellent.

Price: 250.000 COP pesos for each night. 1.250.000 COP pesos for the whole retreat (June 26 to July 1) or 750.000 COP pesos for the sesshin (June 28 to July 1).

Registration: Fill-in the registration form (REGISTER, below). Once you have sent the form, we will contact you to complete the registration process.

Contact us:  nada@fundacionzen.org 318.4926732 whatsapp

    *Todos los datos son necesarios

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